QML (Qt Quick) is a declarative user interface language that makes it easy to create fun and dynamic applications. Let's dive into QML with this step-by-step tutorial for beginners:
Hello World in QML
To get started, we'll create a simple "Hello World" application in QML:
This QML code defines a Rectangle element as the root object with a size of 200x200. Inside the Rectangle, we have a Text element that displays the text "Hello World!" centered within the parent Rectangle.
Running QML Files
To run QML files, we need a corresponding .cpp file that imports the QML module and loads the QML source:
This will load the QML file at "qrc:/main.qml" and display our "Hello World!" text.
Basic Components
QML has many built-in components for creating user interfaces:
Rectangle - A contanier with width, height and color.
Text - Text display component.
and many more...
That covers the basics of getting started with QML!